Kolumnen und Serien
Prof. Solange Peters, MD, PhD
Posts by Prof. Solange Peters, MD, PhD
Breakfast Brief
ESMO 2019: NSCLC – "We now have many frontline treatment options to discuss with patients"
Prof. Solange Peters, MD, PhD, CHUV Lausanne, puts the research she presented at ESMO 2019 in perspective by explaining the complex CheckMate 227 trial and giving an update on the NICOLAS trial.
Head and Neck Cancer
ASCO 2019 Breakfast Brief - Lung cancer
In this Breakfast Brief Prof. Dr. Solange Peters, Central University Hospital (CHUV) in Lausanne, presents new and noteworthy trials dominating current discussions in lung cancer.
Scientific Knowledge Exchange
Scientific Knowledge Exchange on immunotherapy in lung cancer
In this Scientific Knowledge Exchange Prof. Dr. Solange Peters, Central University Hospital (CHUV) in Lausanne, and OA Dr. Georg Pall, Special Hospital in Wangen, discuss about immunotherapy in lung cancer.
Solange Peters (CH) on lung cancer
Hämatologie und internistische Onkologie
Scientific Knowledge Exchange - AACR 2018
In our SKE-session, Prof. Solange Peters, Lausanne, and Prof. Reinhard Dummer, Zurich, discussed recent findings concerning immunotherapy in lung cancer and melanoma.
Innere Medizin
Breakfast Brief Dr. Solange Peters
Prof. Solange Peters presents the newest data on immunotherapy in NSCLC.